Spes – Early Childhood Intervention – Research Study

Spes – Early Childhood Intervention Майбутнє тут і зараз: Що зробить нас сильнішими Future here and now: What will make us stronger Dear parents and professionals, We would like to start this message with a profound “thank you!” for reading and participating in...

AGORA Final Conference

Online Closing Conference Agora project:                    2021, June 8th, 14.30-17.30 (UTC+2) Early Childhood Intervention – for a sustainable and inclusive future By changing the beginning of the story, we change the whole story The conference will be on zoom and...
VET for EI Project

VET for EI Project

“VET for EI” 2017-1-TR01-KA202-046189 Duration: 1-12-2017 to/ 1-12-2019 Dearmembers, In February2018 we informed you about the kick-off for the VET project that officiallystarted in December 2017 with a meeting on January 18 and 19th inIstanbul. This is the summary...