Main Topics
The health disadvantage or disability of a child is not a self-standing factor, it affects the whole family as a system as well as other relations with the environment. An unexpected situation is easier for a family to cope with once the help is provided in time. Equally important is professional cooperation and coherence. Early childhood intervention as a discipline is in its deepest essence interdisciplinary. It stands on the border of several self-educated disciplines – medicine, social work, pedagogy and psychology. And is most effective and meaningful when professionals cooperates together across different disciplines and resorts.
Three main topics will be intertwined across the conference:
1.Methodological theme – practice, development, research
The aim is to share good practice, best practices in working with children and families, and to familiarize with the outcomes of research in the field of care for families with children with disabilities. Experts and parents will receive up-to-date practical and theoretical information and experience, new concepts and researches applied to the field of early childhood intervention from domestic and foreign experts.
2.Multidisciplinary theme
The aim is to identify possibilities of cooperation across disciplines and anchoring of early childhood intrevention in the system of care for children with disabilities and their families. To learn new trends of interdisciplinary cooperation and their benefits for families and professionals.
3.Parental theme
Parents are the best teachers for their children. An important topic is to strengthen the role of parents – parents will learn about their daily life, share good practice, learn about the outcomes of research in the field of care for children with disabilities.
May 15-16, 2023 Vienna House Diplomat Prague, Czech Republic
Please see the active links below for presentations by speakers who have agreed to publish them:
Monday, May 15th Conference hall PRAGUE
9.00–10.00 opening, Jitka Barlová (Společnost pro ranou péči),
Ana Maria Serrano (EURLYAID) and others
10.00–10.45 keynote 1
Michael Guralnick: Preschool inclusion and children’s peer relationships
14.00–14.45 keynote 2
Robin McWilliam: Collaborative consultation = equity; Medical model = inequity
Ana Maria Serrano & Noor van Loen: Preparing for the sound bit of jazz…
Kateřina Kotasová & Eva Černá: Homesharing and its importance for the independence of the child and parents
Snezana Ilic: A paradigm shift in ECI – challenges and building bridges in Serbia
Manfred Pretis: The International Classification of Functioning, Health and Disability (ICF) as a common language for professionals and parents in ECI
17.00–18.30 EURLYAID General Assembly
Monday, May 15th Conference hall BELVEDERE
panel discussion Every day counts, topic: the (non)availability of ECI services for families of children with severe illness or disability in the Czech Republic, in cooperation with UNICEF
CPL Jobs: Back to work, workshop for parents
Denise Luscombe: Therapy while you sleep, workshop (not only) for parents
Tuesday, May 16th Conference hall PRAGUE
9.00–9.45 keynote 3
Tim Moore: Creating the core care conditions for children and families to flourish: The role of ECI services
9.45–10.30 keynote 4
Marilyn Espe-Sherwindt: I felt alone
Jitka Barlová: Siblings of children with disabilities or serious illnesses
Eliška Antošová: Dilemmas of caring for children with ASD from the perspective of a parent anda psychologist
Veronika Němečková: Promoting positive behaviour in early intervention practice
Lenka Koubková & Pavla Matyášová: Concurrence of ECI and palliave care for a child with a lifelimiting diagnosis
Kateřina Matějová: Cooperation of the neonatology department and ECI
Petra Navrátilová & Petra Hálková: Early vision support – a basic prerequisite for the proper development of newborns and infants
Halka Tytykalová: Early intervention in families with children with CVI
Magdaléna Kostelecká & Markéta Skalická: Diversity of support for families in early intervention
Anna Kučerová & Martina Péčová: Tools of the ECI specialist in social work with families of children with hearing impairment in the Czech Republic
Barbora Křižanová: 8 000 reasons – an initiative of the J&T Foundation
Jana Čelůstková & Bohumila Linzerová: Self-help parenting group
Tuesday, May 16th Conference hall BELVEDERE
Children palliative care section
Ivana Plechatá & Barbora Červíčková: Medical Respite Care – why is it a necessity for seriously ill children and their families?
Jan Hálek: Comprehensive care center for children with serious illnesses and telemedicine
Monika Marková: Supporting the family of a child with palliative needs
Sylvie Stretti: Bereavement care offered by the Pediatric Supportive Care Team in University Hospital Motol, Prague
Jakub Formánek: Spiritual care in pediatric palliative medicine
Mahulena Exnerová: Cooperation and possibilities of specialized palliative care providers
Pavel Rozsíval: Cooperating with various healthcare providers during long-term palliative care –our experience
Irena Lintnerová: Cooperation between social and health services
Jolana Kopejsková & Lenka Kohoutková: On the road together
Kateřina Konopásková: The role of the general practitioner for children and adolescents inpalliative care
Erika Tichá & Vladislav Matej: Slovakia on the way to interdepartmental cooperation in supportingfamilies with children with disabilities in early childhood
Ana Validžić Požgaj & Snježana Seitz: Development of transdisciplinary approach – where are we now?
Aleksandra Karovska Ristovska & Kristel Diehl & Emily Vargas-Barón: Situation analysis on ECI in the Republic of North Macedonia
After Online Conference on the 24.02.2022:
Link to the presentation of Tim Moore:
Link to Presentation Script: