Spes – Early Childhood Intervention

Майбутнє тут і зараз: Що зробить нас сильнішими

Future here and now: What will make us stronger

Dear parents and professionals,

We would like to start this message with a profound “thank you!” for reading and participating in this research despite the circumstances you are in already for a much longer period than we had hoped.

We, representatives of Eurlyaid, Інститут раннього втручання, UNICEF and many colleagues from ECI organizations and universities all over Europe, feel humble and admire the strength we can see Ukrainian families and colleagues show to defend their country.

This survey consist of questionnaires for families and professionals. Those of you still living in Ukraine but also in other countries and all colleagues in ECI involved in neighboring countries or in other European countries offering space to refugees.

It is therefore we approach you:

As families living it, and professionals delivering services, you are the people that can provide us with crucial information to make it possible for the organizations involved, to discover:

  1. what kind of support would be of help now or after the war and what would be
  2. the best ways to organize this support.

The outcome and information we will receive from you will help (other) families, ECI programs and organizations in all involved countries, UNICEF and Eurlyaid. 

The questionnaires, that you can find below, will be distributed in 15+ countries.

We did the utmost to keep the questionnaires as short as possible and not ask to much of your time. To obtain all crucial information the questionnaires as they are now the result. 

We will share and publish the outcomes.

Thank you again for your willingness to participate in this questionnaire.

Spes Early Childhood Intervention

Ukrainian Families Survey on ECI

To access the Ukrainian Families Survey please click here or copy to your browser the link below:

ECI Professionals Survey

To access the Professional Survey in your language please click or copy to your browser the link below:

Bulgarian Professional SurveyВъпросник за професионалистиhttps://forms.gle/SFh8ZNRb7r7HyRPu6

Croatia, Bosnia and Montenegro Professional SurveyUpitnik za profesionalcehttps://forms.gle/j2xm8jRCz4siAX8X8

Czech Professional SurveyDotazníku pro profesionályhttps://forms.gle/E5RTj8nbGC5XJqfs6

Dutch Professional SurveyVragenlijst voor professionalshttps://forms.gle/uUxzYtLdaWzfY9M57

English Professional SurveyProfessional Surveyhttps://forms.gle/uN2M7PecFJeFXusz9

German Professional SurveyFragebogen für Fachpersonenhttps://forms.gle/CB8cen74QxZx1rG2A

Greek Professional SurveyEρωτηματολόγιογια τους επαγγελματίες υπηρεσιών Πρώιμης Εκπαιδευτικής Παρέμβασηςhttps://forms.gle/NP4XcAw5x4pySsfs9

Latvian Professional SurveyAptauja profesionāļiemhttps://forms.gle/NVZAxuNLjELdkqgh7

Lithuanian Professional SurveyAnketą profesionalams – https://forms.gle/9ZRoD3a9V1yy8GHH7

Norwegian Professional SurveyUndersøkelse for profesjonellehttps://forms.gle/JvNqkURP9MewsB8G9

Polish Professional SurveyKwestionariusz dla profesjonalistówhttps://forms.gle/X6Q9f4pxskUYu3FX9

Portuguese Professional SurveyQuestionário para profissionais de IPIhttps://forms.gle/YLN4DyyaMy8XviT36

Serbian Professional SurveyУпитник за професионалцеhttps://forms.gle/svmDynf2rpsqTwTi7

Spanish Professional SurveyCuestionario para profesionaleshttps://forms.gle/quus8p3EcnRWVS4i7

Swedish Professional SurveyFrågeformulär för professionellahttps://forms.gle/zSXKedUhwBbaVW789

Ukrainian Professional Survey – Опитування українських фахівцівhttps://forms.gle/fyAui7rRCmqnvKBB7

Please make sure that:
When you are filling in on your phone: please keep the phone horizontal/landscape orientation so all answer options are visible, as we demonstrate it in the video.