Duration: 28 months. Possible trough funding by VELUX Foundation.
Project partners:
– EASPD-Brussels
– Dizabnet- Romania
– Naso-Bulgaria
– National Association of Supporters and Service Providers of ECI- Slovakia
– Gezenguz Foundation- Hungary
– CSWU-Poland
The project consists on an innovative pilot initiative developed in 5 Central and Eastern (CEE) countries (Hungary, Slovakia, Poland, Romania and Bulgaria) addressed to overcome the challenges in the implementation of strategies to develop adequate Early Childhood Intervention (ECI) systems for children with disabilities.
Why “AGORA”?
1. We want to create an all-embracing learning and convening space to bring together essential actors to co-produce high quality ECI services
2. We want to produce practical guidance and tools to provoke a systemic change on the social welfare system by improving the legal and policy frameworks at European, national and/or regional levels
3. We want to develop examples that can serve as inspiring guidelines for other countries in Europe and other groups of children with special needs or at risk of exclusion (such as children with Roma or migrant background).