III International Conference on Family and Disability. Social Competence in earlychilhood: An urgent challenge
Congreso Internacional sobre Familia y Discapacidad. Competencia Social en la infancia: un reto urgente
On May 31 and June 1, the III International Congress on Family and Disability will be held in Barcelona, at the Faculty of Blanquerna Psychology of the URL. Social competence in childhood: an urgent challenge.
We encourage you to send proposals of SYMPOSIUM, COMMUNICATION OR POSTER where you present your scientific or professional contributions. Proposals must be made before March 31, 2018.
You can register on the web: http://congres.dincat.cat/
For any additional information you can contact the Secretariat of the Congress: comcongresofamilias@blanquerna.url.edu
We would appreciate if you could extend this email to how many people you consider appropriate.