Early Childhood Intervention:
For meeting sustainable development goals of the new millennium
October 6-8th 2017
University of Belgrade – Faculty of Special Education and Rehabilitation
European Association on Early Childhood Intervention (Eurlyaid)
European Association of Service Providers for Persons with Disabilities (EASPD)
Link to the Conference Homepage in Serbian Language
Conclusion of the Conference in English
Conclusion of the Conference in Serbian Language
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It is our pleasure to invite you to the
Eurlyaid Conference 2017
Early Childhood Intervention: For meeting sustainable development goals of the new millennium
Belgrade, Serbia
October, 6 – 8th 2017
Keynote Speakers
Marilyn Espe-Sherwindt, PhD Director, Family Child Learning Center, Akron Children’s Hospital, Akron, OH, USA
Anna Serrano, University of Minho, Portugal.
Carolyn Blackburn, Birmingham University, UK
Britta Gebhard, Nordhausen University, Germany.
Nenad Rudić, Institut of Mental Health, Serbia.
Margarita Cañadas (UCV,Spain) and Ana Serrano (UMinho, Portugal): Individualized family service plan
Ena Caterina Heimdahl (Department of Complex Learning, Oslo Norway): Hunting the power of everday routines. Illustrations from Mealtime
Tânia Boavida, Researcher (Portugal) at Instituto Universario de Lisboa (ISCTE-IUL), CIS-IUL: Developing functional goals in early childhood intervention
Carolyn Blackburn (UK): Exploring the concepts of “professional love” and emotions in the caring professions: What does professional love mean in early childhood intervention and how do we balance professional love with safeguarding children and families?
Eurlyaid Conference 2017 invites presentation on the following topics:
- Assessment and intervention for children with disabilities
- Strategies and challenges in early intervention system
- Home based early intervention
- Center based early intervention
- Team around the child and family in early childhood intervention