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vet for ei
Dear members,
In this newsletter you will find information about the VET for EI project meeting, 21st - 23rd November in Birmingham
The third meeting of the VET for EI project was held in Birmingham on 21st – 23rd November at the City Centre and City South campuses of Birmingham City University.
The first day was introduced by Burak, followed by a welcome to Birmingham from Abdul from Praxis and a welcome to Birmingham City University from Carolyn.
The project group were joined by Physiotherapists from the Portugal, Spain, Turkey and the UK to review the draft online modules:
Review of Modules FOR Play Based and Family Centered Early Intervention Approach
1. Ethics
2. Developmental risk
3. Screening and assessment of the Development of Infants and Children (0-3 Years)
4. Working with children and families in natural contexts
5. Transdisciplinary Model in Early Intervention
6. The Role of Physiotherapists in Early Intervention
We had some very interesting and heated debates about the content of the modules!
On Thursday 22nd November, the Physiotherapists had the opportunity to visit the Centre for Movement Disorders (NICE) at Cannon Hill Park in Birmingham.
Reflecting on their visit after their return to BCU, they felt that there were some similarities between Conductive Education (the philosophy/pedagogy used at NICE) and some differences. Their visit covered the following topics:
² Overview of CE for early years and importance of early intervention for children with cerebral palsy
² Changing face of cerebral palsy through the life span
² Observation of groups – nursery, school age and adult cerebral palsy
² Discussion
They enjoyed their visit.
On Friday 23rd November both the Physiotherapists and the project group attended a lecture on Physiotherapy in the UK from Jodie Bryant, Senior Lecturer in Physiotherapy at Birmingham City University.
She covered topics such as:
² Tour of Physiotherapy facilities
² Description of BCU Physiotherapy course
² Introduction to the British National Health Service
² Current challenges within the British healthcare climate / environment
² Review of drivers within Physiotherapy in current British healthcare climate
² Reflection on my Jodie’s practice and career
Both groups enjoyed the lecture.
On the afternoon of the 23rd, the groups enjoyed a visit to Birmingham Botanical Gardens to experience the local cultural context.
And of course there was time for enjoying nice food together.
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